The home of Ghana’s first president, Dr Kwame Nkrumah, has been left in a dilapidated condition since his overthrow in 1966.

Dr Kwame Nkrumah is one of Africa’s most celebrated leaders and the mastermind behind Ghana’s independence in 1957.

Many thought this would mean his personal belongings would be highly cherished. But instead, his home has been left to its fate without much care and attention.
This building could have potentially been a national asset and the state could have generated some money from it by means of using it as a tourist site.

Many people wonder why the house has not been designated as a tourist attraction by the government.

In a YouTube video that emerged earlier this year, two men took it upon themselves to tour the house of the former president and show its present condition.
Watch some of the exclusive videos of the house below that’s been left out;