An earlier story about a woman named Safina Diamond who is accused of murdering her Canadian lover.
According to reports by OMG voice, the lady took the life her Canadian lover who came to Ghana to pay her a visit a few weeks ago. The deceased was allegedly stabbed multiple times in the neck and stomach by Safina Diamond.

The woman killed her Canadian lover, who had visited her in Ghana a few weeks before.

Safina Diamond is accused of repeatedly stabbing the deceased in the neck and stomach.
However in other reports, Safina claims she killed him out of self-defence, and that she he was only defending herself after Frank made an aggressive attempt to rape her.

She and the other person who assisted her in committing the crime are currently at the Adenta Court complex. Additionally, it was said that the event happened at the intersection of Botwe School.

However, a recent update by Angel TV news this evening showed that Safina called a friend of hers who worked in law enforcement after stabbing her Canadian boyfriend with the purpose of covering up the murder.

Unfortunately for her, her companion decided to report the occurrence to his fellow police officers since he didn’t want to be an accessory to a crime. The cops then arrested the woman.
Soon, more information on the matter will be released.
Watch the video of Safina being whisked away below;