All relationships go through a rough patch every now and then. There are obvious big mistakes people do to cause this like cheating, lying, and the much more disturbing things. People tend to forget that there are small mistakes and i mean mistakes that seem very tiny but still potent enough to ruin any relationship.
One of the most common mistakes is the “mistake of assumptions”. Assumptions most times seem harmless, but the absence of certainty which leads to said assumptions and be heart wrenching. No one can read each other’s mind, yes, some relationships can grow to a stage where you complete each other’s sentences but that takes a lot of time and devotion. Communication is key! You should always try to talk things out with your partner rather than making assumptions. One false assumption can shatter the foundation of any strong relationship, it’s like a domino effect
Fact remains, every one’s mentality is different but when it comes to relationships, you have to look out for details. One tiny gesture or the absence of it can quickly turn things upside down. Here are some seemingly irrelevant gestures or “tiny mistakes” that could ruin a beautiful relationship;
Harmless Jokes
This mistake might be one of the most common dangerous mistake a partner can make in a relationship. There is nothing wrong in making a joke about your partner but in the process of doing so, it becomes very easy to sound hurtful. Especially when the same joke starts popping up regularly, it turns from joke to torment. Always be considerable of your partner’s feelings and watch what you say. Observe facial expressions and always make it clear that you were joking or you just end up sounding insensitive.
Believing Your Partner Should Always Know What You Want Without Proper Communication
Just as we first mentioned above, no one is a mind reader. Many people in relationships just expect their partner to always know what they want and get angry if they don’t or if they assume wrongly. Communication is the pillar of every great relationship and lack of communication will end even the strongest relationships.
Keeping Secrets
Lying is a big offense in relationships so in other to avoid lies, people get this idea that “not knowing” is better for everyone. Everyone has baggage but, relationships should not have secrets no matter how irrelevant they may seem. Keeping secrets leads to lies and generally…trouble.
Trying To Actively or Passively Change Your Partner
Love, isn’t a simple word, not in the slightest. You can fall in love with someone so different from you, background, ethnicity, religion, mentality all different. These differences can sometimes lead to conflict but you always have to remember why you fell in love in the first place. Hold on to why you’re so attracted to your partner in the first place and make sure they are the right reasons. That being said, changing your partner can only work if your partner wants that change for themselves not just for you. That being said, always remember, communication is key.
Thinking Romance Doesn’t Matter
Romance and sex is a tricky subject in relationships. Keeping in mind that it’s not always about sex but romance does no harm. It actually strengthens your relationship, thoughts like this usually pop up with reasons so I’ll drop a good piece of advise…communication is key.
Failing To Be Happy About Small and Big Moments
There’s no such thing as too small or too petty or too irrelevant. Try be happy, laugh, smile and celebrate every little and big breakthrough your partner has. What you think is too small might actually be a big deal for your partner and not showing any sign of happiness or ignoring that fact can lead to trouble.
Thinking Fighting Constantly is Normal or Okay
Believing something like this is like poking a sleeping bear. Some people in relationships are addicted to fighting, they believe it keeps the relationship alive and exciting. Picking fights with your partner as a means to reassure yourself that he or she still loves you is wrong. It can only bring about bigger issues in the future, try talking things out rather than picking fights.
Oversharing Details of Your Relationship With Others
When talking about your partner or your relationship in general to your friends, family or even strangers, try not to overshare. Oversharing is never comfortable with your partner, just tolerable. Watch what you say to others and keep some things reserved.