People,Relationships & Lifestyle

Lady Recount’s How She Dumped Her Lover Which Resulted To An Uncanny Swollen Private Part [Video]

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A viral video which has surfaced on social media which has sparked much controversies pertaining to a young lady having a swollen private part.

According to sources, the young woman was in an amorous relationship with her lover until the unfortunate incidence happened.

However it’s also believed that, the young guy was the one taking care of the ladies expenses right from head to toe until the woman had decided to move on due to reason’s best known to her.

Other sources also has it that, the guy has used his entire savings,loan’s,selling of his cocoa farms just to entice the young lady and also to settle with her. But there were some sort of fracas between the said lovers which later got them segregated.

This mind-boggling news & worrisome one has gotten netizens pointing fingers at the financier to have been the cause of the lady’s uncanny illness.

Due to our policy, the sensitive video cannot be shared here, however, if you want to watch the video, head to our Telegram Channel.

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DAVID KOSI AMAVIE popularly known as Lamar is known for his diverse content creativity and also a professional poet writer,philanthropist,digital journalist & also has keen interest in trending and comprehensive news around the globe.

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