People & Life Style

2-year old orders 31 cheeseburgers after mom leaves phone unlocked

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Kelsey Golden’s 2-year-old son Barrett used her phone while she was working to order 31 cheeseburgers on DoorDash.

A Texas mother learned an important lesson about leaving her phone unlocked after her 2-year-old son accidentally ordered 31 McDonald’s cheeseburgers from DoorDash

On Monday, Kelsey Golden, who works in media marketing for a school, was working on the school’s annual yearbook on her computer at home. She was transferring photos from her phone to her computer when her 2-year-old son Barrett started “yanking” on her phone, she told CNN.

Golden explained that her son loves the camera feature on her phone. “He likes to look at his reflection,” she said, instead of playing games or doing other activities on her phone.

But this time, Barrett didn’t just stare at his reflection. “He starts pressing the screen, swinging it around like his arm is a roller coaster,” she said.

Then, Golden received a n

otification that her DoorDash order was taking longer than usual — which was unusual, because although she sometimes ordered DoorDash for her two older children’s lunches at school, that morning she had packed their lunches.

A work colleague furthered the confusion when she told Golden that her children were indeed eating their packed lunches at school — no DoorDash in sight.

“Right as she said that, I was outside playing with Barrett on the porch,” she said. “A car pulls in and I was like, ‘what’? so I went over to it, and she gets out a giant McDonald’s bag and is like ’31 cheeseburgers?'”

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DAVID KOSI AMAVIE popularly known as Lamar is known for his diverse content creativity and also a professional poet writer,philanthropist,digital journalist & also has keen interest in trending and comprehensive news around the globe.

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